Case Studies & eBooks
Real-life Case Studies on Improving Sales Performance

Stop The Turnover
A look at the staggering results a security alarm client saw after enlisting Braveheart to curb problematic turnover.
A Winning Combination
A Braveheart client was frustrated with languishing sales and thought outside help was needed to create change.
A Mixed Bag of Results
A client struggled for years with a veteran sales manager leading the sales team, but with limited sales growth in effectiveness.
To Promote or Not to Promote
A study of a Braveheart client contemplating whether or not to promote a superstar salesperson to manager or not.
Fighting Commodity Mindset
A company struggled with their products being bought like commodities and were forced to answer to RFPs.
Finding a Better Way to Hire
A client’s sales team struggled adding new clients and contemplated hiring a “hunter”. They could not afford to make a mistake.
Motivate without Bonuses
Not every salesperson is motivated by money as was uncovered with this Braveheart client company.
Relying on Sales Managers
A client suffered because their sales manager was their number one seller and he eclipsed the collective sales of the team.
Examples of Problems We Solve
A comprehensive compilation of problems the Braveheart Sales team has solved for clients across a variety of industries.
Impact of a Sales Manager
This case study reviews the positive impact having a professional sales manager (even if part-time) had on a client’s business.
Changing Behaviors
Braveheart Sales helped a client in need of behavior changes in order to support specific corporate sales goals.
Some of Our Favorite White Papers & eBooks

Build a Profit-Producing Engine
This eBook teaches you how to avoid costly hiring mistakes, how to build a revenue-generating sales team, and how to create a repeatable, predictive hiring and onboarding system. Effectively revolutionize your sales hiring process.
The Trust Project
Written by Dave Kurlan of Objective Management Group, this white paper explores the impact that the lack of trust has on influencing the buyer. It highlights characteristics and behaviors of the least trustworthy salespeople by industry.
Salesperson Selection
This white paper reflects current data surrounding what predicts success among sales hires. Dave Kurlan of Objective Management Group wrote this white paper and describes the methodology behind the assessments his company developed.
Sales Longevity The Science of Predicting Sales Turnover
This white paper authored by Dave Kurlan of Objective Management Group, describes the process to calculate the New Salesperson Return on Investment. This approach aids in hiring sales talent.
Effective Sales Process Execution – Sales Leaders Guide
Produced by Membrain, this white paper shows sales effectiveness at a current near-record low and deteriorating customer relationships. This detailed guide maps out your sales process.
Revenue Coaching For C-Levels
Discover the revenue-boosting methodologies that top C-Level coaches recommend to help CEOs overcome the challenges of a recession.